Our core activity is Meeting for Worship, which takes place at 10.30 every Sunday morning for about an hour. There is usually no planned programme. We sit in a circle without a leader, in a simple room with no religious symbols: just a plain table in the centre holding books and flowers.
The meeting starts as soon as the first worshipper is seated. We begin by stilling our minds and waiting for the promptings of God, both to ourselves as individuals and to the meeting as a whole. We may pass the whole hour in silence or people may rise to 'minister', if they are so moved, by speaking, praying, or reading from the Bible or other books.
Have you seen our book? It's a history of Quakers in Heswall. More details...
Children are welcome at Heswall Quaker Meeting but we do not have a regular children's meeting at present. Please contact the clerk, Dori Miller, on 07932 113358, in advance, so we can ensure we can make provision for them. All adults working with children have up to date DBS certificates.
Heswall Quaker Meeting is part of Wirral & Chester Area Meeting
Registered Charity Number 1134210